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AMI 1.0 or 2.0

Whether you are a utility that has AMI 1.0 or 2.0 fully deployed or in the planning stages, Utilogix can help optimize your investment.

With fully deployed AMI utilities, we are able to -
  • Optimize telecom engineering, planning and operations within the utility so existing teams are knowledgeable on the strategic and tactical requirements of AMI asset ownership. 

  • Assist in structing fully integrated IT/OT AMI organizations within the utility and advise on appropriate reporting verticals and Executive sponsorship.

  • Advance AMI business operations by exposing smart meter dataset capabilities and design solutions for load management, safety and outage and restoration analysis and operations.

  • Refine existing operational NOC and field Op processes so that teams are making sound financial decisions on meter actions. An example of this helping the NOC distinguish between system or application level discrepancies vs. true RF or network level issues to ensure that the utility is making the right decisions on meters being replaced.

With utilities that are embarking on the AMI 2.0 journey, we are able to -
  • Assist in the development and prioritization of AMI uses cases based on real-world experiences. 

  • Advise on potential pitfalls that we have seen in working with multiple utilities and technology vendors.

  • Identify constraints and challenges with technology, environment, compliance and timing.

  • Help ensure that utility investment is protected by employing traceability across product functions and feature sets.

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